Kansas cities which start with the letter H.

Kansas Zip Codes

PlacePlace Type2010 Population
Haddam city 104
Halstead township 365
Hamilton city 268
Hamlin city 46
Hanover city 682
Hanston city 206
Hardtner city 172
Harlan township 83
Harper township 138
Hartford city 371
Harveyville city 236
Havana city 104
Haven city 1237
Havensville city 133
Haviland city 701
Hays city 20510
Haysville city 5
Hazelton city 93
Hepler city 132
Herington city 0
Herkimer township 223
Herndon city 129
Hesston city 3709
Hiawatha township 710
Highland township 35
Hill City city 1474
Hillsboro city 2993
Hoisington city 2706
Holcomb city 2094
Hollenberg city 21
Holton city 3329
Holyrood city 447
Home township 543
Hope city 368
Horton city 1776
Howard township 346
Hoxie city 1201
Hoyt city 669
Hudson city 129
Hugoton city 3904
Humboldt township 253
Hunnewell city 67
Hunter city 57
Huron city 54
Hutchinson city 42080

Browse KS Cities by Letter

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