The Zipcode for Georgetown is 21930. Georgetown is in Cecil, Maryland in the Mid Atlantic region of the USA. It is located about 42 miles northeast of MD's capital city of Annapolis.
Cities in Maryland that start with G
GEORGETOWN, MD, 21930-9998
- Similar named locations
Georgetown (AL) is 905 miles southwest.
Georgetown (AR) is 915 miles west-southwest.
Georgetown (CA) is 2381 miles west-northwest.
Georgetown (CO) is 1581 miles west.
Georgetown (CT) is 184 miles northeast.
Georgetown (DE) is 54 miles south-southeast.
Georgetown Univ (DC) is 71 miles west-southwest.
Georgetown (FL) is 760 miles south-southwest.
Georgetown (GA) is 732 miles southwest.
Georgetown (ID) is 1852 miles west-northwest.
Georgetown (IL) is 626 miles west.
Georgetown (IN) is 546 miles west.
Georgetown (IA) is 899 miles west-northwest.
Georgetown (KY) is 474 miles west.
Georgetown (LA) is 1064 miles west-southwest.
Georgetown (ME) is 440 miles northeast.
Georgetown (MA) is 345 miles northeast.
Georgetown Twp (MI) is 572 miles west-northwest.
Georgetown Tp (MI) is 572 miles west-northwest.
Georgetown Township (MI) is 572 miles west-northwest.
Georgetown (MN) is 1171 miles northwest.
Georgetown (MS) is 957 miles west-southwest.
Georgetown (MO) is 930 miles west.
Georgetown (MT) is 1919 miles west-northwest.
Georgetown (NY) is 235 miles north.
Georgetown (OH) is 430 miles west.
Georgetown (PA) is 253 miles west-northwest.
Georgetown (SC) is 455 miles south-southwest.
Georgetown (TN) is 574 miles west-southwest.
Georgetown (TX) is 1368 miles west-southwest.
- Qpzm Zip Codes Maryland Suburb of the Day: Baltimore -> Baltimore City -> Maryland