The Zipcode for Georgetown is 36521. Georgetown is in Mobile, Alabama in the Deep South region of the USA. It is located about 148 miles southwest of AL's capital city of Montgomery.
Cities in Alabama that start with G
CHUNCHULA, AL, 36521-3431
- Similar named locations
Georgetown (AR) is 361 miles north-northwest.
Georgetown (CA) is 1915 miles west-northwest.
Georgetown (CO) is 1154 miles northwest.
Georgetown (CT) is 1086 miles northeast.
Georgetown (DE) is 900 miles northeast.
Georgetown Univ (DC) is 834 miles northeast.
Georgetown (FL) is 409 miles east-southeast.
Georgetown (GA) is 193 miles east-northeast.
Georgetown (ID) is 1504 miles northwest.
Georgetown (IL) is 624 miles north.
Georgetown (IN) is 524 miles north-northeast.
Georgetown (IA) is 742 miles north-northwest.
Georgetown (KY) is 543 miles north-northeast.
Georgetown (LA) is 254 miles west-northwest.
Georgetown (ME) is 1341 miles northeast.
Georgetown (MD) is 905 miles northeast.
Georgetown (MA) is 1247 miles northeast.
Georgetown Twp (MI) is 836 miles north.
Georgetown Tp (MI) is 836 miles north.
Georgetown Township (MI) is 836 miles north.
Georgetown (MN) is 1204 miles north-northwest.
Georgetown (MS) is 134 miles west-northwest.
Georgetown (MO) is 606 miles north-northwest.
Georgetown (MT) is 1688 miles northwest.
Georgetown (NY) is 1065 miles northeast.
Georgetown (OH) is 599 miles north-northeast.
Georgetown (PA) is 802 miles north-northeast.
Georgetown (SC) is 548 miles east-northeast.
Georgetown (TN) is 351 miles north-northeast.
Georgetown (TX) is 563 miles west.
- Qpzm Zip Codes Alabama Suburb of the Day: Birmingham -> Jefferson -> Alabama