The Zipcode for Dunbarton is 71334. Dunbarton is in Concordia, Louisiana in the Deep South region of the USA. It is located about 84 miles north-northwest of LA's capital city of Baton Rouge.
- Concordia Lake, Delta Garden, Doty Garden, Ferriday, Frogmore, Lake Saint John, Levee Heights, Levens Addition, Minorca, Panola, Ridgecrest, Spokane, Turtle Lake
- Black Hawk, Bougere, Deer Park, Fairview, Green Acres Zip Code, Hammet, Lucerne, Morville, Shaw, St Genevieve, Taconey, Vidalia
- Similar named locations
Dunbarton (NH) is 1346 miles northeast.
Dunbarton (SC) is 580 miles east-northeast.
- Qpzm Zip Codes Louisiana Suburb of the Day: Flora -> Natchitoches -> Louisiana